Is van Leest

Making, developing, curating, realizing, physical and non-physical 'work' research, community, discussion, studio, exhibition, gathering, network, art/artist/public, learning space.
Sept. 2018

Passing though empty streets the air beats cold.
It is comforting.
As the moments flicker back and forth
in solidarity with the winds.
They speak of times in transit, momentarily bright before your eyes.
With the next rush of cold they are gone.

It is a routine
A continuous state of flux, and it is reassuring.

Alone again though,
the streets echo the dark
and it is cold
But it is where you thought you were
so it is where you will be.

There might shadows flickering besides you.
Keeping you warm and so you keep walking
Alone it is peaceful

The echoes are your sounds
they beat with your beat.
They reverberate across the empty buildings, singing back and forth filling the shells
The shadows repeat, almost mockingly but with the rhythm of sincerity and curiosity,
they do not mean to harm
They do not know what they want, neither do you.

But they exist, until you ask them to leave,
Then you are empty again
And then there is nothing again

Do you wait for the sun to rise across the buildings?
The light flooding down between the alleys expelling the shadows

Or do you go and find it yourself?

Do you wait or do you walk
If you walk where do you go
If you wait for how long